Money Date Ritual Kit – Bari Tessler

A box of hand-picked tools to help you create a lovely money date experience.
Art of Money Program with Bari Tessler

A program that integrates financial literacy and emotional literacy.
Take the Money Quiz and Discover Your Money Archetype – Four Ways to Freedom

A free quiz to discover more about who you currently are in the face of money.
Energy of Money course with Dr Maria Nemeth

This course helps you change your life’s trajectory with money and discover how to convert money obstacles into opportunities for prosperity.
Mastering the Millionaire Mind with Jackie Woodside

A course which shows you how to use your mind to train your brain and attract more financial abundance into your life.
Money Mindset for Challenging times with Jackie Woodside

This course helps you master the mindset needed to tackle negative beliefs you have about money and unblock the flow.
Relationship to Money with Mark Groves & Selina Gray

A course designed to help you heal your relationship with money and reclaim your worth.
Money Healing programme with Artie Wu

A course that helps you heal your wounds around money.
Perpetual Problems Around Finances – Gottman Institute

An article about perpetual ongoing problems that couples experience around money and how to tackle them.
Becoming Worthy, Part two, Showing Up for Yourself – Joe Dispenza

This article is about taking responsibility for our own personality reality and how we show up to this.